Business Intelligence Portal Development For Enterprise Software

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The enterprise software client came to Wimmer Solutions with a need for a business intelligence solution and set of analytical processes to provide its users with the ability to analyze key data, key trends, and reporting improvements through a set of tools.

Wimmer assembled a professional Senior-level team who utilized business analysis, IT system integration, database design and business intelligence to deliver a sophisticated Volume Licensing Dashboard, Global Promotion Performance Measurement service; and ad-hoc volume licensing and reporting.

Our team worked with the client to identify and document key data necessary to create an infrastructure that allowed the client to maximize the data to understand performance volume, work streams, and effective communication to result in more efficient, accurate and cost-effective operations.

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Our enterprise software client was in need of a business intelligence solution and set of analytical processes to provide its users the ability to analyze key data, key trends, and reporting improvements. It needed a set of tools and processes that would facilitate creation of success metrics and KPIs, creation of new data points, and ad hoc reporting and analysis. Our customers engaged Wimmer Solutions to craft a solution to include the following components: a Volume Licensing Dashboard, Global Promotion Performance Measurement service; and ad-hoc volume licensing and reporting.


Wimmer Solutions assembled a team to prepare data for the VL Dashboard on a monthly basis, including a team lead who served as a point of contact for all of the customer’s VL Dashboard-related data requests and escalations. We redesigned the data structure and location to make the process easier for end users to find the right set of data, and to make the process easy to maintain/update. The team added additional data/analysis to the dashboard on an ongoing basis based on corporate and field feedback; maintained the Dashboard distribution list; and served as the primary point of contact to coordinate data collection from multiple teams.

Our work in Global Performance Measurement included creation and design of a World-wide promotion performance scorecard used to measure performance month by month, post-mortem analysis for promotions that ended, working with promotions and finance teams to define success criteria for promotions, and building the data cube for monthly measurement of subsidiaries. Finally, we were responsible for integrating the performance scorecard in the VL Dashboard for monthly communication; and orchestrating work streams between licensing and finance teams.

Our team also provided licensing reporting on an ad-hoc and monthly basis, including: creation and refresh of penetration reports; analytics reports; additional data cubes based on field and executive feedback (including additional VL-related KPI measurements); and pulling together data from a variety of different data sources to provide descriptive statistics on VL related data.

In order to achieve the above deliverables on schedule and in a quality manner, the Wimmer Team utilized the following technical skills:

  • Business Analysis
  • IT System Integration
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting
  • Database design
Business Intelligence Inforgraphic

Wimmer was able to leverage a professional Senior-level team with the above technical skill sets while simultaneously working with client management to provide a flexible and nimble solution that met the unique and changing business objectives on schedule and within quality expectations.

Innovation & Impact

The Wimmer Solutions team worked with the client to identify and document key data necessary to drive their business and meet their business goals. Wimmer was then able to create an infrastructure that made possible the mining of existing databases and sources to create monthly scorecards that provided insight to end users. This data allowed the client to maximize the data to understand the performance of volume licensing programs, orchestrate the work stream between internal groups, and effectively communicate with business leaders, resulting in more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective operations.