Wimmer Solutions needed a way to deliver resource documents to individuals that signed up with their email address on our website. This process was not supported by the CMS platform.
The Wimmer Solutions Power Platform team created Power Automates to augment the sign-up functionality of our website to allow it to deliver tailored resources to visitors automatically.
The new infrastructure ensures that individuals that contact our business are given a direct and timely response. Automation of the process also reduces the chance of human-error or inaccuracy, and saves our internal staff time and effort, enabling them to focus on Wimmer's goal of helping clients achieve success with their business, technology, and marketing challenges.
Wimmer Solutions created a website using a low-code, online visual editor platform. We needed to be able to deliver resource documents to individuals that requested the resource on a site page. This process was not supported by the CMS platform. Wimmer wanted the process to capture the individual’s email address and automatically reply by sending an email to the provided address with the document attached.
As an additional aspect to this challenge, Wimmer needed our solution to follow GDPR Compliance. This meant that our solution would need to be dedicated to the proper handling of private information.
Using the website platform’s built-in form capabilities, Wimmer Solutions’ technical experts directed the site form to send an email to an internal email account. When triggered by a requesting individual, the email from the site would be sent to the company email account. The captured email address was included in the message and the email title was set to match keywords.
A Power Automate was then put into place to identify emails that came to the internal email account with the specified keyword title. After identification, the Power Automate took the captured email address and created a new email from the internal account. For this outgoing email, the Power Automate placed the captured email address as the recipient, inserted a predetermined message, and attached the requested document. The new email was then automatically sent in the last stage of the Power Automate.
The Wimmer Solutions Team worked directly with our available systems to set up an automated process that saves our internal staff time and effort. The new infrastructure ensures that individuals that contact our business are given a direct and timely response. Automation of the process also reduces the chance of human-error or inaccuracy, allowing the requesting individual to dependably receive the correct materials. This solution allows Wimmer Solutions to move forward in its business goal of helping individuals achieve success with their business, technology, and marketing challenges.